The Gifts of December

The Holidays are fast approaching and as there is much hustle, bustle and shopping for the perfect gift, it seemed timely to talk about the gifts of December. Before purchasing, receiving or exchanging a single gift, it is nice to contemplate the gifts that already exist in this month.  Without having to do a single thing, there is already much to be grateful for. 
For starters in the Pilates world, December 9 marks Joseph H. Pilates Birthday. Born in 1880 in Monchengladbach Germany, Joseph Pilates was a visionary and inventor. He created a philosophy, a system and invented equipment that future generations will enjoy. 
It so happens that Yamuna Zake’s Birthday is in December as well. She is alive and well. As vibrant and inventive as ever and still teaching nationally and internationally. Her body of work continues to grow and evolve to the benefit of us all. 
Besides the visionaries born this month, December is a time celebrated by different religions as a season of giving. Even for the secular minded, December offers an opportunity to pause. The government, most institutions and businesses temporarily shut down. 
Though it is the season of giving, the habit of giving is a good one year around. Gifts don’t have to be financial. The simple gift of a smile, a hug or a text with an encouraging or even funny word can make a world of difference in brightening someone’s day. 
As the season begins, hope you carve out some time to pause, breath and enjoy all the gifts you already have – health, life, family, friends and perhaps pets! May you continue to give to yourself through self-care in all its forms from proper nutrition and rest to exercise and quality time for activities you enjoy. And as the season turns into new beginnings for a New Year, may you continue to find ways to give to yourself, to loved ones and to your community throughout the year.

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