Summer Shape Up

Get ready for a sleeveless summer!

Resuming and wrapping up our muscle groups theme for the school year, this edition of the newsletter ties it all together. Since September we have covered five major areas – hamstringship flexorsabdominalsgluteals  and arms.  For those of you who have been following this newsletter, you are already “armed” with some foundational information to help you tackle some of the main areas to be in summer shape! 

If you have a regular Pilates practice, what else can you do to be in the best shape for summer? This edition of the newsletter is going to explore things to boost not only your practice but also your fitness and physique. 

The first and most important thing you can do besides exercise to get in shape is supporting your well being through nutrition. There is a popular saying in fitness that “abs are made in the kitchen”. Even though Pilates focuses on the core, that quote is so very true. 

It’s unrealistic to have a consistently unhealthy diet and expect to be svelte, even if you are exercising regularly. Beyond superficial appearances, a good diet will support you in not only looking good but also feeling good! It’s amazing when students change to a more nourishing diet how their bodies improve internally (joints not so stiff and achy etc…). 

Secondly, in terms of exercise, there are multiple things you can do to tone up. Assuming your Pilates routine is already in place, you could consider adding cardio to your wellness practice. Even simply walking will yield benefits. For those with osteopenia or osteoporosis, walking will be especially helpful. 

Last but not least, consider training your body specifically now for what you plan on doing. If you want to hike outdoors, swim, play golf or tennis, you can start to work on building strength and endurance to build up the areas you will need for your sport or adventure.

As the school year closes, we wrap up our muscle groups theme. You have not only learned in detail about some of the main muscles but also how to bring it together combining your Pilates practice with nutrition, cardio and specific training when needed. May you not only be in shape for the summer but stay healthy and in shape the whole year through.

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