Artificial Intelligence in Fitness Equipment

Hottest Fitness Trends 2022

Imagine a computer that could analyze your movements and assess where you are vulnerable to injury. It could not only make strength training recommendations but could also actually guide you through the training, offering feedback and correction as you go. Though this may sound far-fetched, the technology is already here and the future only promises for this trend to grow.

As advances in technology are made, devices become more powerful, compact and accessible. What was available to only a privileged few, over time becomes accessible to the masses and even commonplace.

In 1969, the computer used for the Apollo 11 was large in size but had limited storage capacity. A few years later, computers would no longer be exclusive to government and large businesses but personal home computers would start to rise. And today, “the iPhone in your pocket has over 100,000 times the processing power of the computer that landed man on the moon (over) 50 years ago.”*

Similarly, fitness technology has followed this same trajectory. Decades ago, research was done on college campuses with large, clunky computers and cameras analyzing human movement. Expensive equipment was developed and used for advanced level athletes – olympic competitors, premier football or golf players. 

What was once only available to a few elite athletes is now becoming like the personal home computer, something more accessible for regular, everyday people.

Fitness Trends for 2022

Many of the trends in fitness are what you might expect considering the times:

online – a trend that looks like it is here to stay for the foreseeable future.
hybrid – a combination of online and in person classes as some gyms and studios reopen.
walking – both for fitness as well as a change of scenery with people spending time at home.
fitness trackers – a myriad of watches, apps and even smart rings.
home gyms – and most unique are the “smart” home gyms…

Of all the trends, the most interesting on the horizon is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in fitness technology, especially as it is combined with fitness equipment.

You may have seen the Mirror where you can stream classes. Though there are a number of new pieces of similar equipment as everyone tries to get in on this new fitness tech wave, we’ll focus on just a couple of the most advanced ones that have also added AI to “the Mirror”. (Called mirrors because you can see your reflection but technically they are not mirrors). If you haven’t already seen or heard of this type of equipment yet, you probably will soon as this trend becomes more commonplace.


Geared toward weight lifting this offers up to 200 lbs of digital resistance. What’s nice about this fitness technology is that Tonal does an initial strength assessment and then the weights are based on that assessment, and of course, it is adjusted as you gain strength.

There are multiple sensors that monitor your movement offering real-time guidance. It can sense as you fatigue and adjusts appropriately. It’s also supposed to be able to sense if you are favoring or pulling on one side more than the other.


Advertised as “The only home gym with a built in personal trainer.”** While it apparently doesn’t have a camera but uses 3D Tempo Vision™, a sensing technology. This “creates a model of your body and captures its range of motion and pace to determine the appropriate weight you should be lifting for each exercise.”*** 

For the sensors to work you need about 6 ft of floor space between the Tempo and where you’ll be exercising. Cues with corrections will pop up on the screen when needed to help you maintain form.

There are various weights and props neatly tucked away in a built-in cabinet underneath the Tempo.  

Though a virtual fitness trainer developed from AI may sound like fantasy, it’s already here and only likely to continue to advance. Though there are a number of fitness trends for 2022, this seems like the most fascinating one to watch. Compared to putting a man on the moon, these might be small steps for technology but they are certainly making giant leaps for mankind.




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