Attitude of Gratitude

As the season of Thanksgiving approaches, it seems an appropriate time to consider the mind-body connection. This is a category Pilates is often placed into. Mind-body connection can sometimes sound a little vague or even weird. 
What is the mind-body connection? Most simply, it is the brain-body connection. The muscles do not act alone. They receive a message from somewhere (the brain). This can also be called the neuromuscular (nerve-muscle) connection.  
As students learn, the Pilates exercises are not only challenging physically but also often a workout for the brain too. As students try new movement patterns, like learning a new language, students have to “think” and not just “work out” but “work in” as well. 
In addition to the physical neuromuscular connection, there is another layer to explore with the mind and body and that is the psychological component. Mindset can make a difference. A positive outlook can accelerate progress, increase determination and ultimately physical gains.  
Interestingly, when there is emotional stress in other areas of life, it can show up in the body. If there are anxious thoughts, it seems it isn’t long until that old pain (back, neck, shoulder, knee…) may start popping up again. 
When it comes to fitness, the focus is often on the external – looking a certain way. But more importantly is the internal – that systems are healthy and things aligned to function optimally for years to come.  
While the focus in Pilates is often on improving alignment, the intention isn’t to highlight what is wrong. There is so much more that goes right in the body any given day (heart pumping, lungs breathing, cells renewing….) than what’s wrong. 
Joseph Pilates defined his method as the complete coordination of body, mind and spirit. It is interesting to note that he didn’t say control but coordination. That both the brain and the body are functioning optimally so you can live fully and reach your highest potential. 
With Thanksgiving around the corner, it is the perfect time to find gratitude for all that your body does for you everyday. And the perfect time to offer yourself a little extra self care through regular movement like Pilates or even simply going outdoors for a walk on a nice day. Moving is one of the best ways to refresh and reconnect both the mind and body.  

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