Something To Stay Cool!

As summer heat is at the peak, I thought this would be a good time to share some refreshing, healthy recipes to help you stay cool.

These recipes are from Vani Hari (aka “Food Babe“). She is known for being an advocate for clean eating and challenging food industry standards.

Please enjoy these healthy and tasty recipes!

Bon Appetit,



Fresh, real lemons in lemonade – imagine that! If you would like a simple homemade lemonade, I think you’ll enjoy this recipe!

Asian Citrus Rice Salad

This salad is delicious, filling and can make a meal on its own.

The recipe is adaptable. Instead of chicken, I’ve used tofu. You could probably try Salmon as well.

Coconut Creamsicle Berry Pop

A tasty treat to cool you off – these are like dreamsicles! So yummy!

How To Stay Hydrated and Cool!

Happy Summer!

Hope you are looking forward to refreshing times with loved ones.

To help you stay hydrated and cool, you’ll find a couple of useful articles below.

Wishing you a smooth and beautiful season!

Best to you and yours,


Surprising Way to Stay Hydrated:

If you want to find another way to stay hydrated, besides drinking water, then check out this article here.

Staying Cool:

How much water should you be drinking? For the answer, enjoy this article.

Detox the Pilates Way

Pictured above: Lymphatic System

“The use of a good stiff brush…stimulates circulation, thoroughly cleans OUT the pores of the skin and removes dead skin too.”*

~ Joseph Pilates

The first way Pilates likes to detox is of course with breathing. 

You may be familiar with his quote “to ‘squeeze’ every atom of impure air from your lungs.”** 

But besides breathing, I want to focus on something Pilates taught that you may not have heard before.

Pilates was actually into brushing the skin.

We brush our teeth and our hair. Why not our skin? It is our biggest organ. 

A few of the purported benefits of skin brushing are:

  • Stimulates circulation 
  • Improves Lymphatic flow
  • Softens skin
  • Helps with cellulite 

If we can give our skin a little brush, makes sense that might help our overall health too.

Pilates was pretty serious about brushing and there are stories that he would even enter into the showers at the studio and make sure everyone was brushing. Yikes!

And as you can imagine, everyone was sure to diligently brush. 

Pilates recommended a brush without a handle so you would have to contort to reach all the places. 

And with a “good stiff brush” he did call it a “‘Spartan-like’ treatment”. ***

The practice of skin brushing dates back thousands of years to the Egyptians.

But other cultures practiced brushing as well including the Greeks, Chinese and Indian (who developed Ayurvedic medicine). 

I’m not sure if Pilates picked up the idea for skin brushing from the ancient Indian practice or from the Greeks or Chinese. Or perhaps they all influenced him.

While you don’t have to do a Spartan treatment, here are a few tips:

  • Skin brushing can be done wet or dry.
  • Dry brushing is considered to have more benefits or be more effective than wet brushing. 
  • Try brushing in shower before you turn on the water. Then the shower can rinse off the dead skin cells.
  • Use gentle pressure or light strokes.

Lots of information is available online about skin brushing. If you would like a specific recommendation you might check out – this youtube channel by a Lymphedema Physical Therapist to learn more about how to properly skin brush for your health.

One more important tip:

Despite Mr. Pilates advice of a good stiff brush…

if you have sensitive skin or mature skin (skin does get thinner with age and more susceptible to tearing and bleeding), you can use a washcloth instead of a stiff brush. 

If you have a wound, blood clot, rash, sunburn, psoriasis, eczema, area of active cancer or other skin condition, obviously you would not want to skin brush. 

As always, please be sure to check with your medical professional before starting any new health routine. 

Hope you have fun detoxing the Pilates way and practicing a little spring cleaning for the body!

Happy Spring!

With Best Wishes Always,


*Pilates, Joseph H. and William John Miller. Return to Life Through Contrology. Pilates’ Primer: The Millennium Edition. Presentation Dynamics, republished 1998, p 20.

**Pilates, Joseph H. and William John Miller. Return to Life Through Contrology. Pilates’ Primer: The Millennium Edition. Presentation Dynamics, republished 1998, p 12.

***Pilates, Joseph H. and William John Miller. Return to Life Through Contrology. Pilates’ Primer: The Millennium Edition. Presentation Dynamics, republished 1998, p 21.

February 2024 Newsletter

Just last month I shared the annual fitness trends. If you missed it, you can catch the article here.

It’s only February and already there are more amazing technological advancements to share.

You may have seen this in the news. Elon Musk’s Neuralink implanted it’s first brain chip into a human! This neural implant apparently decodes “movement intention”. If you would like to read more, here is an article from the BBC on the topic.

February is American Heart Month and it also happens to be the 100 year anniversary of the American Heart Association.

They are celebrating this year by renewing focus on CPR training and teaching as many people as possible this lifesaving skill. If you would like to learn CPR, here is a list of classes with the American Red Cross.

Also, World Encephalitis Day is happening this month. If you would like to get involved, you can learn more here. Or you can show your support in other ways, like wearing red on Thursday, February 22.

February is a busy month! In addition to Black History Month, Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day, here are a few lesser known events that you may want to celebrate:

2/16 – National Caregiver’s Day

2/17 – Random Acts of Kindness Day

2/20 – Love Your Pet Day!

Wishing you and yours much love!❤️



Surprising Fitness Trends for 2024!

Happy New Year! Hope you had a beautiful Holiday with your loved ones and that you are looking forward to an exciting and purposeful 2024! To help you along the path, here are some of the top fitness trends. One of them might even be a little surprising! Keep reading to find out what it is.

To get things started, here’s something new that I have begun recommending to students. I think you’ll enjoy…

1. The BrainSpeed Ball®

How would you like to improve balance and focus? Not to mention your movements and coordination. 

I’ve mentioned before that there are 3 systems that work together for balance – the proprioceptive, visual and inner ear. You can read a previous article on the topic here.

While Pilates is very strong on the proprioceptive component, the BrainSpeed Ball® is a wonderful compliment to Pilates by exercising the visual component of balance.

Developed by fellow Pilates Educator, Trent McEntire, I think you’ll find the BrainSpeed Ball® useful and fun!

The bright orange ball has the alphabet and the numbers 1-12 randomly placed on the ball. There are a variety of exercises where you literally keep your eyes on the ball. It is more like playing a game than an “exercise”. 

It is used for balance & fall prevention, ADHD, enhancing athletic brain performance. They have also had success with programs for neurological conditions. The BrainSpeed Ball® has recently developed a program for Parkinson’s and another for concussion recovery. 

The BrainSpeed Ball® is appropriate for ages children to seniors.

Whether a kid needing focus and motor control, or an adult who stares at a computer screen all day, or a senior who needs to work on balance, the BrainSpeed Ball® can be of benefit to you.

Their tagline is “Fire Up Your Brain”. You’ll find it does that and a whole lot more!
2. Recovery – Light Therapy

One of the top trends and buzzwords this year is recovery. 

This is the surprising trend for 2024. That is a bit of a change from the traditional “no pain, no gain” mentality.

Post workout recovery is something that sports have used for years but is now moving more mainstream. 

Whether cryotherapy or specialized massage therapy, there are a lot of possibilities. 

One I specifically wanted to focus on is light therapy.

You might have seen it in the anti-aging arena –
from lasers for hair growth like the Laser Hairmax®
to face masks like the Omnilux.

The benefits of red light therapy include increasing collagen, decreasing inflammation and helping muscle recovery and pain relief. 

There is light therapy for the whole body where you sit or stand in front of a panel.

There are also devices that you rest your whole body on.

But you can also find smaller straps that you can wrap around a certain part of a body (like a knee) to give a targeted treatment
3. AI – Tonal and Tempo still lead the pack

The trends for 2024 would not be complete without a look at AI.

ChatGPT is being used as a personal trainer along with various AI fitness apps.

As you might imagine, there are advantages – like brilliant, speedy computation for recommendations on reps and sets based on all the data it collects from everyone that has used it.

But as they are finding in other industries, there are some downsides. 

Mainly lack of human interaction and feedback to know if you are performing the exercises properly.

A couple of years ago, I wrote an article on “Artificial Intelligence in Fitness Equipment”. In it, I cover the Tonal and Tempo pieces of equipment. 

It sounds like Tonal and Tempo are still leading the way in terms of having proprietary motion sensing technology that is able to offer feedback as you workout.
These are just a few of the fitness trends for 2024. The BrainSpeed Ball® could be a valuable and fun addition to your routine. The focus on recovery is a surprising change of trends this year and light therapy is just one of the many possibilities in this category.

As the world and technology continue to grow and change, we’ll see what AI and the future holds.

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy 2024!

With Best Wishes Always,


Happy Thanksgiving!

I just wanted to express gratitude for you!

Thank you for sharing yourself, your life and your most valuable resources – your time, your trust and your health.

It is an honor to support you on your journey.

I hope you enjoy many moments this Holiday that are filled with gratitude.

Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving!



Update on Deedie Root

Some of you may remember Deedie Root. With her permission, I’m sharing a letter she wrote on her progress and a way you may be able to help!

Deedie’s story

How To Stay On Track Through The Holidays!

5 quick, easy tips to help you navigate through the all the temptations and stay slim through the season.

Read here.

Fourth of July Celebration Continues

Dear Students,

Hope everyone had a Happy 4th of July yesterday!

Here is an article on “Freedom of Movement” that I thought you might enjoy if you haven’t seen it already!

Also, coming up on July 29 will be the business 7 year anniversary!

Wishing you continued good health, joy and freedom of movement in every way!

With Best Wishes Always,


Surprising Way to Stay Hydrated

When it comes to staying hydrated, fluids are what come to mind rather than food. 

But food can actually make up to 20% of the daily requirement of water.

So if you don’t like drinking water or you are looking for a way to beat the heat while engaging in outdoor activities, here are a few of the most hydrating foods:

  • Cucumber
  • Iceberg Lettuce, Romaine and Spinach
  • Celery
  • Radishes
  • Tomatoes
  • Zucchini & Summer squash
  • Asparagus
  • Bell Peppers 
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Mushrooms
  • Strawberries
  • Watermelon
  • Apples 
  • Peaches

For a previous article addressing in more detail how much water you should drink, you can check it out here.

The general recommendation is to “drink when you are thirsty”. 

That said aging and certain medication can impact whether you feel thirsty. So of course check with your doctor to find out what’s right for you.

In the meantime, enjoy a nice summer salad and some fresh fruit for desert. 

Having juicy food is a surprising and fun way to support you in staying hydrated during hot summer days!

Wishing you a cool summer!


Forever Young

“Forever Young” is the title of a new book by Mark Hyman, MD. While this author is a new find for me, you might already have heard of him. He has written many books including 14 New York Times bestsellers!

The direction science is going is fascinating. The combination of biology and technology and the things they expect to be able to do in 10 years is mind-blowing and sounds like something out of science fiction.

But you don’t have to wait for new inventions. 

There are important things you can do now to invest in yourself and in your health.

As you might have guessed, exercise and nutrition play a vital role.

If you would like to learn the “#1 Hack To Stop Aging”, here is a video by Dr. Hyman discussing his new book. The story about the 95 year old who walks 5 miles a day is especially inspiring!

And here is a longer interview with Dr. Hyman where he talks about “metabolic flexibility” (my favorite new term) and he shares his smoothie recipe from the book!

Wishing you continued good health!



For the Love of Pilates

This is a full month and here are a couple of events that are coming up:

February is American Heart Month and this Friday, February 3 is National Wear Red Day®! For more information on heart health, please check out the NIH. Most importantly, take care of yourself and the ones you love by practicing self-care for your heart. 

In addition, February 22 is World Encephalitis Day. If you would like to get involved, here are some ways you can show your support.

Happy Valentine’s to you and yours! Wishing you much love and joy! 

Now onto today’s featured article…

For the Love of Pilates

It’s been said that Joe was a genius. The equipment especially highlighted his brilliance. He was known to invent equipment for clients with specific needs.

Pilates’ creativity and spirit of invention lives on today. His innovative ideas sparked other thinkers and inventors who created their own pieces of equipment. Joe’s work carries on in new and exciting ways. 

Whether to help a specific student with a need or to adapt to the environment when traditional equipment wasn’t available, here are three newer pieces of equipment that have been developed for the love of Pilates!

1.SmartSpine (SS)

If you’ve ever rested your spine on the warmed columns of the SS, then you know the bliss. Created by Marie-Jose Blom, the SS is the main star in the full system which includes the arch tubbies, globe, cervical head disc, sacral wedges, and posture pillow.

2.Fletcher Towel

Developed by longtime student of Pilates, Ron Fletcher came up with the towel. It was created out of necessity, working with what he had at his disposal. 

When Mr. Fletcher would teach classes at his California studio, he noticed students were having trouble moving their arms evenly. One arm would be higher and the other arm would be lower etc. 

So he grabbed a towel to give the students a visual aid to help them see their arms were uneven as they moved. That’s how the Fletcher Towel was born. I think Mr. Pilates would appreciate the ingenuity of making use of what was on hand.


Similar to Joe’s equipment that can look like a rack out of the middle ages, the CoreAlign® is a large, interesting, even intimidating looking piece of equipment! I suspect it would meet with Joe’s approval;) And this equipment delivers on its name – to get the core aligned!

Developed by physical therapist Jonathan Hoffman and produced by Balanced Body equipment manufacturer, the CoreAlign® is two moveable platforms (like the carriage on the reformer but smaller) with elastic resistance tubes that act like springs and a tall ladder to hold. As you might imagine there are a multitude of exercises that can be performed in different positions on the CoreAlign®.

So there you have it – just a few of the many inventions that have been created for the love of Pilates!

Now I’m curious – if you could invent a piece of equipment, what would that be?

Just respond in the comments if you have an idea you would like to share.

Peace, Love and Pilates❤️
