Detox the Pilates Way

Pictured above: Lymphatic System

“The use of a good stiff brush…stimulates circulation, thoroughly cleans OUT the pores of the skin and removes dead skin too.”*

~ Joseph Pilates

The first way Pilates likes to detox is of course with breathing. 

You may be familiar with his quote “to ‘squeeze’ every atom of impure air from your lungs.”** 

But besides breathing, I want to focus on something Pilates taught that you may not have heard before.

Pilates was actually into brushing the skin.

We brush our teeth and our hair. Why not our skin? It is our biggest organ. 

A few of the purported benefits of skin brushing are:

  • Stimulates circulation 
  • Improves Lymphatic flow
  • Softens skin
  • Helps with cellulite 

If we can give our skin a little brush, makes sense that might help our overall health too.

Pilates was pretty serious about brushing and there are stories that he would even enter into the showers at the studio and make sure everyone was brushing. Yikes!

And as you can imagine, everyone was sure to diligently brush. 

Pilates recommended a brush without a handle so you would have to contort to reach all the places. 

And with a “good stiff brush” he did call it a “‘Spartan-like’ treatment”. ***

The practice of skin brushing dates back thousands of years to the Egyptians.

But other cultures practiced brushing as well including the Greeks, Chinese and Indian (who developed Ayurvedic medicine). 

I’m not sure if Pilates picked up the idea for skin brushing from the ancient Indian practice or from the Greeks or Chinese. Or perhaps they all influenced him.

While you don’t have to do a Spartan treatment, here are a few tips:

  • Skin brushing can be done wet or dry.
  • Dry brushing is considered to have more benefits or be more effective than wet brushing. 
  • Try brushing in shower before you turn on the water. Then the shower can rinse off the dead skin cells.
  • Use gentle pressure or light strokes.

Lots of information is available online about skin brushing. If you would like a specific recommendation you might check out – this youtube channel by a Lymphedema Physical Therapist to learn more about how to properly skin brush for your health.

One more important tip:

Despite Mr. Pilates advice of a good stiff brush…

if you have sensitive skin or mature skin (skin does get thinner with age and more susceptible to tearing and bleeding), you can use a washcloth instead of a stiff brush. 

If you have a wound, blood clot, rash, sunburn, psoriasis, eczema, area of active cancer or other skin condition, obviously you would not want to skin brush. 

As always, please be sure to check with your medical professional before starting any new health routine. 

Hope you have fun detoxing the Pilates way and practicing a little spring cleaning for the body!

Happy Spring!

With Best Wishes Always,


*Pilates, Joseph H. and William John Miller. Return to Life Through Contrology. Pilates’ Primer: The Millennium Edition. Presentation Dynamics, republished 1998, p 20.

**Pilates, Joseph H. and William John Miller. Return to Life Through Contrology. Pilates’ Primer: The Millennium Edition. Presentation Dynamics, republished 1998, p 12.

***Pilates, Joseph H. and William John Miller. Return to Life Through Contrology. Pilates’ Primer: The Millennium Edition. Presentation Dynamics, republished 1998, p 21.

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