Fourth Anniversary and Studio Update!

Dear Students and Friends,

I hope this finds you and your loved ones healthy and well! When I branched out on my own and opened the studio on July 29, 2016, I couldn’t have dreamed the course the journey would take, especially in 2020. I imagine many of you feel the same way. This has been such a historic time.

I’m so grateful for you and glad even in these times of social distancing that we have been able to stay connected. When I started teaching 20 years ago (yes, as an apprentice in the spring of 2000 at the Physical Conditioning Centre), the technology that keeps us connected today wasn’t available back then. In fact, Pilates wasn’t even a household name and I almost always had to explain what I did for a living when meeting new people.

Again, I’m so appreciative of you who have stayed with Pilates and have also journeyed with me over the years from the Physical Conditioning Centre, to PilatesHouston, Inc and eventually to my own studio.

When the Coronavirus Pandemic reached the US, I immediately moved the studio “online” back in March. While I could have legally reopened the studio for “in person” sessions on May 18, after an informal survey the first week of May, I knew overwhelmingly that the students wished to remain online for the foreseeable future. As a number of clients are a more vulnerable demographic, it seemed like a wise idea for other gyms and fitness facilities to go first and wait on reopening.

As many of you are aware, it so happens that the lease on the studio space is up at the end of July. Normally, it would have been renewed in April, when we were in the thick of the lockdown. I delayed the decision as long as I could – waiting to see how things would play out with the reopening and hoping for the best.

With the rising number of cases in Texas and in Houston, I decided a few weeks ago not to renew the lease. As I was also concerned there might be “stay at home” orders for Harris County soon, I quickly packed up and had the equipment moved to a climate controlled storage facility.

Apparently, it turns out it was good timing with the red alert issued for Harris County last Friday. In addition, I also received an email from the building on Friday saying there were 3 people that tested COVID-19 positive at that location. I’m so thankful to already have the studio moved out.

When I started teaching 20 years ago, I couldn’t have dreamed of one day having a studio “online”. I think we all look forward to one day meeting again “in person”, but in the meantime I’m grateful for technology that allows not only the business to remain open “online” but also, and most importantly, keeps us connected and allows me to continue to assist you in your wellness journey, especially in these times!

As we learn to navigate this digital, virtual frontier and find a new normal, I believe we will all grow stronger than before. If you have any questions or concerns about the studio or if you haven’t set up an online session and would like to, please feel free to reach out to me.

I hope you and your loved ones remain healthy and safe. I look forward to seeing you again soon – either online or in a new space one day!

Keep Calm and Pilates On,


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