Getting an “Edge” in the New Year

New Years often brings new goals and resolutions, especially in the area of fitness. If you are inspired with the New Year and looking to invest in some bigger pieces of Pilates equipment for home, this newsletter has you covered. Specifically, we’ll focus on Spine Correctors, Baby Arcs and The Pilates Edge. 

The pieces of equipment chosen for this issue don’t take up as much room as a reformer or Cadillac/Trapeze Table, but they are more of a financial investment than something like a foam roller or ball. If you have a nook or a workout space carved out, these pieces might help complete it.

Spine Corrector

The Spine Corrector has a special place in my heart as it was my first piece of Pilates Equipment (other than the red Fletcher® towel, of course!) and I still have it to this day. I chose this equipment because it was a great piece for home. Besides the personal benefits, it didn’t take up too much room and could slide into a corner. 

For simplicity, we’ll focus on two main points for the Spine Corrector: the arc and the material. The Clara Step Barrel® (named in honor of Mrs. Pilates) has a higher arc and supports more spinal extension. The East Coast and Contour Step Barrel™ have more of an elongated arc shape.

In terms of material, you now have a choice of either the classical wood or foam (like what a foam roller is made out of). The foam or Clara Step Barrel ®Lite version has the advantage of being lighter in weight so it’s easier to lift and/or move around. The Pilates Arc™ variation has the elongated arc and can detach into two usable pieces of equipment. 

Baby Arc

Like it sounds, the baby arcs are just the “arc” only portion of a Spine Corrector. The West Coast Style is open without handles and the East Coast Style is closed on the sides and has handles. One of the benefits of the baby arcs is that they fit particularly well under the legs and feet without the possibility of sliding or moving (as can sometime happen with the Spine Corrector). 

Pilates Edge

Rather than a curved line, the Pilates Edge is a straight line but at an incline. Though the arc shape naturally lends itself to spinal extension movements, there are still some excellent spinal extension exercises that can be practiced on the Pilates Edge as well. The Pilates Edge supports the spine and core and can be used behind the back or under the legs and feet.

Wishing you and yours a bright, beautiful and healthy New Year! As 2020 brought focus on what is most important and simplicity, may we carry that clear vision into 2021 with hopefully a return to some more “normal” times. Please continue to stay healthy and safe!

As Always – Keep Calm and Pilates On,


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