How To Stay On Track Through The Holidays!

It’s begun.  

You know that time of year – when it’s hardest to stay on course with your nutritional goals.  There are temptations everywhere you turn. 

You may even have a bowl of left over Halloween candy sitting on your counter right now! 

To help you navigate the season and stay on course, here are a few quick, easy tips:

  1. Make it convenient (or inconvenient) 

Try placing a bowl of apples out on the table instead of candy.  If something is convenient and on hand, you are more likely to reach for it – whether it is apples or M & M’s.  

Conversely, try placing the junk food in harder to reach areas like in the back of the pantry or the bottom of the refrigerator.  While you might still go for the goodies sometimes, it will be a lot less than if it is sitting out and you can easily grab a handful every time you walk by.

  1. Keep it moving 

After a good workout, you are generally hungry, especially for more nutritious foods. You are more likely to reach for some water and a filling meal and less likely to choose sweets.  Regular exercise can help not only with weight loss but also help steer cravings in a more nourishing direction.  With the momentum of a regular workout routine, there can be more motivation to eat clean and not lose the gains or break the streak after all the hard work that is put in.

3)   Keep it simple

As you decorate for the Holidays, consider choosing decorations that are not food related.  Hang lights rather than popcorn on the tree.  And rethink the plate of cookies for Santa.

4)   Choose wisely

When you shop for groceries, set yourself up for success.  Have plenty of healthy, easy to prepare items that you will actually eat, ready to go.  If you spend a little time prepping your meals, then you are more likely to eat what is there and stay the course.  

And obviously when you shop, limit the amount of junk food items.  If it’s not around at home (or in small quantities), it will make it easier to not get off track.

With the Holidays, also comes lots of festivities and those events can be more challenging to navigate.  Again, being mindful and planning ahead can be helpful.  For example, maybe before a party eat a meal so you avoid grazing at a buffet.

5)    Plan a treat

Nourish yourself rather than starve yourself.  If you deprive yourself of food, you will end up eventually overindulging and binging.  Besides having healthy meals regularly to stay satiated, factor in something you love to eat.  If you know you get to have a treat, it might make it easier to stay on track.  

For the Holiday festivities, maybe you don’t eat much at the parties around the day, but on the actual Holiday you enjoy the meal.  It is primarily meat and vegetables.   And perhaps the treat comes in here – whether it is mashed potatoes, gravy and a roll or a slice of dessert.  Whatever it is you love.  Enjoy the Holidays, the celebration and the ones you love!

Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving!

With Much Gratitude,


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