Pilates Day 2024

Pilates Day is coming up this Saturday, May 4!

To celebrate, the newsletter is highlighting a couple of articles about “Pilates: The Man and The Method” and some of his inventions that you may never have heard of.

Wishing you a Happy Pilates Day ~

Every Day!

Pilates: The Man and The Method

Did you know that Pilates didn’t call his exercises Pilates? To find out what Mr. Pilates called his system, check out the article here.

Mr. Pilates thought his work was 50 years ahead of its time. And that proved to be true.

Pilates Day and the Lost Equipment

Even if you have practiced Pilates for a while, you may not have ever used a “breath-a-cizer” or a head harness.

Did you know Pilates even invented a bed!

If you would like to check out some of the more rare pieces of equipment, please read this short article here.

With Best Wishes,


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