Pilates Library at Your Fingertips!

This September is the three year anniversary since starting the blog.  There are now nearly 50 articles on 20 different Pilates related themes and growing…!  You can find topics on:




And even Yamuna🙂

It’s almost like having a little Pilates library you can access 24/7!

In addition, there is also a newsletter where more information is shared.  While the blog retains the essence, sometimes a more edited version is used for the general public and safety.  If you are a Pilates enthusiast and would like to learn more, you might consider signing up for the newsletter where even more insights are shared.

The topics have been chosen from things that have come up in classes and sessions over the years.  The blog is meant to be a resource for you and your loved ones.  If you have interest in a particular area (perhaps a muscle or condition), you have something to reference.  The articles are meant to supplement and help deepen your understanding and practice.  If you have a family member or friend and know some particular information would be beneficial to them, please share the relevant blog article with them.  

Thank you for sharing your time, your trust and yourself!  I appreciate you reading this blog.  This is a Pilates library at your fingertips!

With Much Appreciation,


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