With the start of a New Year, at the top of many people’s resolutions will be to get in shape. Toward that goal, one of the main areas people want to tone up is the abdominals. Last fall we looked at a couple of muscle groups in detail (the hamstrings and the hip flexors). Let’s continue to look at muscles groups with this edition focusing on the coveted abdominals.
The term abdominals doesn’t just refer to one muscle. It represents a group of muscles. Specifically, the abdominals break down into four muscles that comprise the group.
Starting with the outer layer, the rectus abdominis, this is the six pack. This layer runs vertically from the pubic bone and attaches to the ribs at various levels on the way up. It causes forward flexion of the spine (example: crunch). There is a line (of fascia) straight through the center known as the linea alba. There are also small horizontal lines that branch off the linea alba and this is what creates the six pack (well, actually 8 pack shape).
The external and then the internal obliques are the next layer in the abdominals. They make an X shape from the ribs to the opposite hip. They are involved in rotation and side bending of the spine.
Last but not least, is the deepest layer, the Transverse Abdominis (TA). They run horizontally like a thick belt around the waistline and attach to fascia in the back. These are the muscles that make the low belly flat.
Interestingly, all four of the muscles that comprise the abdominal group are not only activated with certain movements but can also be activated with the breath. While valuable for focus and relaxation (not to mention respiration – the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide), breathing can aid in deeper abdominal work.
The abdominals can not only be aesthetic but also are functionally important. Between the hips and the ribs, the only bones in the region are in the low back. Other than that it is the vulnerable underbelly. The abdominals play a crucial role in supporting the low back. The center of gravity is in this region. Having strong abdominals not only looks good but also is key in posture and spinal health.
As the New Year begins, renewed commitments are made to fitness. May you find yourself not just in pursuit of six pack abs but even more importantly a strong core to face all the joys and adventures the next year brings.