Spring Training 2022

*Please note the preparations for this newsletter started before recent world events. While praying for peace in Ukraine, sending out this edition as scheduled. As always, I hope the information in the newsletter builds you up – body, mind and spirit.

As spring begins to blossom, this is the best time to start getting in shape for summer. Building on last months topic about Good Habits, here’s an easy program applying the 1% rule to have you ready for swimsuit season.

One of the many benefits of Pilates is that you train the whole body. But if there is an area you want to work on…whether that’s your arms, abs or legs, decide which spot you want to work on the most. Pick one area – just one and focus on that for the next three months. 

Then over that time slowly (1% baby steps) begin increasing the training for that spot building up the frequency, duration and intensity.

Sample Program
Area to tone: Arms
Baseline: Assuming you are practicing Pilates 2x a week.
Program: Add extra arm training 1-2 minutes.
Movement/Exercise: Bicep & tricep with bending and straightening the elbows. 10 reps for the biceps and 10 reps for the triceps.
Resistance: 1 pound (lb) weight or light theraband.

Add the extra arm exercises 1 day a week. Then the next week practice the arm exercises 2 days that week…and so on. By the end of month you are training your arms almost everyday – 6 days a week with your regular Pilates full workout days included. 

Next try increasing the time. The easiest way is to just add reputations. If you add one repetition bicep & tricep daily Monday-Friday, by the end of the month that’s 20 reps for the biceps and 20 for the triceps. Plus with the 10 baseline that is 30 biceps and 30 triceps (or 60) total repetitions. 

For variety, once you are doing 3 sets of 10 repetitions, try adding different arm movements that work the same area in a slightly different way and this will also increase the time or duration. Your baseline of 1-2 minutes has now been increased to 5-10 minutes daily extra practice for the arms. 

Move to a heavier weight or theraband. If you are doing 30 bicep curls with a 1lb weight, then use the usual 1lb weight for 29 repetitions and then try the 2 lb weight for 1 repetition. Then the next day try 2 repetitions with 2lbs and 28 with 1lb., etc. By the end of the month, you will have completely transitioned all 30 reps to the heavier weight.

This program can be applied to other areas – abs or legs. 

It’s important to develop your muscles in a balanced way. So if you want toned arms, train both your biceps and triceps. This way you strengthen both sides and not overdevelop just one side. 

It’s amazing how simple steps can quickly add up! While those baby steps might seem insignificant, they can lead to important gains and positive changes. Choose your spot and start your spring training!

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